The goods are ready for delivery!!
First I have, not one but two....wonderful books that I promised in my "Promises" post a few days back, ready to mail off to one lucky lady!
Thank you sisters for your sweet friend words and even better, for sharing a few Promises from God's Word, that are filling you up. I was blessed by each one.
I consider it such an honor to have you visit "Sweet Tea". We are all busy and there are lots of awesome blogs out there for you to visit and take time to comment on.
The trouble for me was, when I had my G's here this weekend, I forgot to have them do the honors of drawing the lucky winner. I know there are more savvy/techie ways to do a drawing but I don't know them so picking a name out of a bowl is my best plan.
Well, I am no dummy!! This time I used an unbreakable dish but I really wanted to do this today and my only convenient helper was my adorable doggie Lucy!!
I set her up to go digging for a treat and hopefully lick a name out along the way. Silly, I know.
You can guess how that went. Treat gone, names slimy!!
It was not a perfect process to say the least. I finally gave up and picked a folded paper for myself. You just can't get good help these days!!!
Anyway.....Congratulations PINK!!! You are the winner! Lucky for you, you do not have to touch the paper with your name on it.....Just email me your mailing address sweet sister!
Thanks again ladies. I will be making a visit to your Blog-homes as the week goes on.
On top of that, I am thrilled to have my very first "Surrendered Sisters" E-Letter released today!! It is especially fun since it was designed just for me by my firstborn son.
Those of you who have gotten it, I hope that you enjoyed it a tiny bit as much as Tim and I enjoyed working on it together.
My mailing list started at 600 so if you have not gotten it in your email box, you are NOT on the list!
If you are not and you want to be, please email me and I will forward it along!
The newsletter has all the details of my next GREAT BOOK GIVEAWAY.
I highlight, sticky note and photo copy pages of lots of books but I ripped pages out of this book to take shopping with me!!
If you want to be the next doggy drool covered winner of a "Sweet Tea"/"Surrendered Sisters" giveaway......say so below!!
If you have read the "Surrendered Sisters" and can tell me the name of the book in the "Sweet Tea" comments section, I will drop your name into my next bowl 2x's!!
You lucky dog you!
Hello Sista! Somehow I wasn't included in the 600 or so on your e-mail list so please add me@ paulastime@aol Also, I loved the life:beautiful mag you sent me. I read it from cover to cover! I hope you are getting some good home time. Love you lots, Paula
WOW!!! I actually won something! How cool is that! I will email you later. Have continued to pray for you since our last email, and am hoping that things are better. I know that God will direct you in the path that is right for you, because He will use that path to glorify HIM!!!
Your newsletter looks great! :-)
Just emailed to be added to the list! I am so excited to see what God is up too!
Love, Jennifer
The newsletter is FAB! Truly, it really looks and READS great!
Oh, and it's "What's Age Got to Do With It"...I was with you when you bought it! :o)
XO Melinda
The book is "What's age got to do with it" and I PROMISE I already knew that BEFORE I read Melinda's comment! ha
That Melinda,
She gave it away!! I guess I will have to forgive her since she is on the move!!!
Looks like you ladies have some pretty good odds. I will get Lucy ready to "draw"!!
What a blessing you are. Sure add me to your list.
Hi Pat,
I am thrilled that you stopped by The Point. I have your book on my bookshelf and I'm so glad to 'meet' you.
I've entered your name in the drawing for "Trusting God's Heart". Thank you for stopping by The Point.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I will stop by yours again when I am feeling a bit better. It was all I could today to post a blog and keep my head above water! Blessings for your ministry to women!
Choosing JOY,
[Kneeling in Prayer]
Oh i want in tooooo.....
"What's age got to do with it" by Robin McGraw
Me too, me too
With the help of a few friends... What's age got to do with it!"
Sign me up for your newsletter too!
I gave it away? Weren't we supposed to tell you the name in the comments?? Sorry if I blew it! :o\
XO Melinda
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