This is a picture of my front porch garden in the Spring:
This is a picture of my front porch garden today:
Can Somebody say...."Evaluate a field and buy it!! Plant a vineyard" already!!!
I did not plan it this way. I dug up all on overdone summer annuals a few weeks back with BIG ideas for a pretty Fall front porch but somehow, somewhere.......TIME slipped away!!
Something happened a few years ago and time began to move faster in my life.
I have no idea where it all goes. I think maybe into some kind of "Time Bank"that God will be using for us to draw from that will provide for our Eternal Life maybe??
I mean I am positive that it was just a few hours ago that I flipped my calendar from August to September!!!
It just seems that there is so much to be done and so little time to get it done.
This little front garden was on my "To Do" list this weekend, along with putting out my Fall decorations. Many of our blogging buddies have been doing that for weeks now but most of them live somewhere that is not still 98 degrees. For us in Florida, Fall decorating is about helping us remember that it IS Fall.
In any case. My front garden STILL looks like this today. My weekend was spent speaking at a church Brunch on Saturday, washing and ironing all clothes in the household in preparation for a ministry conference next week followed by a 2 WEEK VACATION to be enjoyed wallowing in the Fall covered mountains!!!!! Yipppeee!
The weekend included cooking dinner (including a home cooked Apple Pie) for my honey and my youngest son and his family of 5. Oh, I also had my car washed, mopped my floors after my baby G Boy spilled orange juice all over them :), packed suitcases for 2 locations and ended the weekend at 8pm last night after I delivered doggies to their vacation getaway.
I did not get to my garden or my decorations.
The font of my house looks like a vacant rental!!!
The Good News is that I learned years ago, that a woman can do it all!!
Just like the Proverbs 31 Woman I can:
Bless and care for my Husband, strive to make him feel valued and special and King of our home!
Work with willing Hands around my home and ministry,
Bargain shop for fresh fruits and vegetables....from anear and afar!
I will eventually make the front of my house sparkle and scream WELCOME*****
I can get in some occasional exercise (this one needs great improvement),
I extend my hands to the needy and the poor as often as possible,
I am incredibly blessed to have "servants" to help me clean my house, keep the lawn up and a few other things here and there,
I am not afraid for my household because I know God's Word, I keep it in front of me and make time with Him a priority.
I do not sew, but I have friends who do, so my bed linens are beautiful and freshly made.
I am not sure that Strength and Honor are always my "clothing" but I am certain they are my desire. I press on towards Wisdom and a desire to share all that God shows me.
There is such rich example in these words of scripture.
Lots of treasure to keep in font of our eyes and to use to measure our lives. Not to condemn but to challenge and encourage.
One thing that I did get accomplished this weekend in preparation for my trips is some shopping....
In my defense, the Proverbs 31 Woman does a LOT of shopping!!
I have the rare joy of having a honey who loves to shop as much as me!!!
We hit the Mall of Friday afternoon!
My clothing is fine linen and PURPLE!!! (this same color!!)
Have you seen the purple this season girls, oh my....
I have some purple shoes that I will have to post on my blog later this week.
Maybe I will get to my Fall font porch by the time the calendar flips over to November!!